
Our paper was published in Nucleic Acids Research. It elucidates how circular rDNAs are formed when transcription machinery collides with stalled replication forks, offering insights into the mechanisms of circular DNA formation in cancer cells.
At the 47th Annual Meeting of the MBSJ, Sasaki gave a talk at the workshop, "The dynamic interplay between three-dimensional chromosome structure and gene regulation", organized by Kristian Jeppson and Takashi Fukaya at iQB at the Univ. of Tokyo.
Sasaki gave a talk at the 12th 3R+3C International Symposium held in Fukuoka, Japan.
Sasaki organized the Workshop "Large-scale chromosomal changes: how they occur and how cells respond to them" and gave an oral presentation at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan in Kochi.
Sasaki was selected for research grant from Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research.
Sasaki organized with Dr. Tatsuro Takahashi at Kyushu University a symposium, "The genome maintenance systems that respond to DNA double-strand breaks" at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
Sasaki gave a lecture at the joint symposium of Shizuoka University and the National Institute of Genetics.
Sasaki was selected for the Sumitomo Foundation's Grant for Basic Science Research Project.
Sasaki gave a talk at the 2023 Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on YEAST AND LIFE SCIENCES. I talked about the relationship between transcription, DNA replication fork arrest and DNA double-strand break repair.
At the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Sasaki gave a talk about mechanisms underlying extrachromosomal circular DNA formation in budding yeast in the session on 'Control of the M phase and Chromosomal Instability'.
Sasaki gave an oral presentation at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan in Kumamoto.
Sasaki gave an oral presentation at the 27th 3R (DNA replication, Recombinetion and Repair) Workshop at Kyusyu University.
We started Gene Quantity Biology Laboratory at the center for Frontier Research at National Institute of Genetics.