
Principal Investigator

  • Mariko Sasaki
    Associate Professor
    Hobby:Cooking(not daily cooking as housework, but cooking as a hobby)
    Message:"Let the cells tell you what is happening inside the cells." "Do not fit the data to your model. Let the data speak for themselves."

Postdoctoral fellow

  • Peixun Han
    Hometown: China
    Education: Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Bachelor's Degree)
    Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Ph.D., Shintaro Iwasaki Laboratory)
    Message: Love fluffy animals!

Graduate Students

  • Mio Nagura
    Education: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
    Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, baking, karaoke

Lab technician

  • Akemi Mizuguchi
  • Yuko Katayama
    Message: Born and raised in Mishima.
    I keep Japanese pond turtles and newts. They are surprisingly soothing.

Administrative assistant