Welcome to the Gene Quantity Biology Laboratory (Sasaki Lab)!

Research focus

The genome encodes all the information an organism requires to function. The integrity of the genome is normally stably maintained. However, cancer cells experience genomic changes that result in an increase in the gene copy number. An increase in the gene copy number, often referred as gene amplification, can occur when a gene is amplified on the chromosome. But the gene copy number can also be increased extrachromosomally when a gene is circularized outside of the chromosome and circular DNA is accumulated. Surprisingly, about 40% of cancer cells carry large circular DNA, called ecDNA, which often contain proto-oncogenes and drug-resistant genes. ecDNAs are thought to contribute not only to the initiation and progression of cancer but also to the acquisition of resistance to anti-cancer drugs. In my laboratory, we aim to understand:

   How are ecDNAs generated and maintained? 

   How do ecDNAs impact cellular functions?

Furthermore, various types of small circular DNAs have been observed in non-cancerous human cells as well as in other organisms. We also conduct research on these circular DNAs with the goal of establishing the field of "Circular DNA Biology." For more detailed information about our research, please refer to the research content.

Recruiting graduate students and postdocs

 We are recruiting graduate students and postdocs who are interested in working with us. Our laboratory can accept graduate students from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Genetics Course (https://www.nig.ac.jp/nig/ja/phd-program/main-page-top/main-page). National Institute of Genetics recruits NIG postdoctoral fellows every year (the application for the year of 2024 ended). We can also accept postdocs who have Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship or other fellowships. If you are interested, please contact the PI.


Sasaki organized the Workshop "Large-scale chromosomal changes: how they occur and how cells respond to them" and gave an oral presentation at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan in Kochi.
Sasaki was selected for research grant from Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research.
Sasaki organized with Dr. Tatsuro Takahashi at Kyushu University a symposium, "The genome maintenance systems that respond to DNA double-strand breaks" at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
Sasaki gave a lecture at the joint symposium of Shizuoka University and the National Institute of Genetics.
Sasaki was selected for the Sumitomo Foundation's Grant for Basic Science Research Project.